Hey Y’all!
If you love fashion, travel, and sass.. then you’ve come to the right place!
Follow along my new journey with me as I share my favorite fashion deals and steals, my travels, beauty, and a little bit of everything in between. I look forward to learning, and sharing all the things I discover with you!
I’ve been itching to get into this industry for about 5 years now, but I finally found a place in my life I’m comfortable with and can’t wait to start and grow with you all!
Now a little bit about me… I am a small town girl (imagine that) who grew up way out in the country knowing I always had some big ambitions, so that led me to becoming a flight attendant! I never had the opportunity growing up to travel on a global level, so that is why being a flight attendant was my special calling in life! I get to travel to places I never would have the opportunity to, meet people who have truly changed the way I think and feel about the world, and grow as a person in every single way possible professionally and personally.
There is one thing I do love just as much as I do traveling, and that’s fashion and everything it entails! I am so passionate about life, personal growth, inpsiring, and fashion. I love the thrill of finding an affordable item to share with others. I think it it’s so important no matter your financial situation, what size clothes you wear, or what you social status is that every person has the right to feel beautiful and important. This also means putting your best self forward and working on yourself from the inside out.